Should I Clean the House After Pest Control?

Cleaning rugs and scrub pads folded neatly on the floor

Should I clean the house after pest control? It’s a question that has been asked by many homeowners looking to keep their homes pest-free. No one wants to live in a  home full of pests, so pest control is so important to help keep your home safe and clean. 

Should I Clean the House After Pest Control?

Yes, it is always important to have a light cleaning session after the pest control service is complete, especially if you have toddlers and pets in the house. This will help create a sterile environment for you and your family. Remember to only focus on floor surfaces, doorknobs, and frequently touched areas. You don’t need to clean the walls since humans rarely touch them.

Dining area with a small round table and four arm chairs

It is best to vacuum the carpets and furniture after pest management because this will help to remove any residual chemicals that the exterminator may have left behind. It is also important to discard any food that may have been exposed to chemicals for safety purposes.

Most sprays are designed to last 30-90 days after the first treatment, so it is essential to mop the floor with soap and warm water while avoiding the walls and the most common areas where pests hide in your home. Doing this will help ensure that the chemicals are effective and help you avoid future infestations, which proves why proper pest control is important.

How Do You Clean After Pest Control?

Understanding how to clean your house after pest control is important. You want to ensure the spray works to its fullest potential so you are not inviting pests back into your home. The following are some tips on how to clean after pest extermination:

Stay Patient

It is important to stay patient and not clean immediately. Most chemicals need time to work, so you do not want to remove them immediately by cleaning.

If you have toddlers and pets in your home, waiting at least 48 hours is ideal before any cleaning can occur. This will allow the chemicals to do their job and help keep your home safe from infestations. Remember that the chemicals will still work even after they have dried up and settled.

You also want to get tips from Self Control Pest. We provide the best advice on cleaning and maintaining a healthy home after an exterminator has treated your property. We also have environmentally-friendly pest control products with various price plans that are safe to use around your family and pets.Woman using a vacuum cleaner to clean her rug while her daughter looks on

Prepare the Cleaning Supplies

To clean your house after a pest management service, you must gather all the necessary cleaning supplies. This will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. The following are some of the tools:

  • Vacuum cleaner: This will help remove any residual chemicals or debris that may have been left behind. Ensure the vacuum cleaner can reach all areas of the house.
  • Mop and bucket: This will help you mop up any liquids that may have seeped into the floors or carpets.
  • Sponge: This will help you get all areas of the house, including counters and floors.
  • Cleaning solution: This will help eliminate any dust and dirt the exterminator may have left behind. A soapy solution is best because it will help to remove any chemicals that may have been used.
  • Warm water: Ensure you use warm water to help dissolve any chemicals that may have been left behind. Warm water also helps to loosen up dirt and debris on the floor.
  • Trash bags: This will help you discard any food or items that may have been exposed to the chemicals. It will also help you dispose of the pest parts that have been caught or killed by the exterminator.

Wash Utensils in the Kitchen

It is important to wash all utensils, dishes, and even food containers that may have been exposed to the chemicals used by the exterminator. This will help ensure that your family is not exposed to harmful substances.

The reason for starting with the utensils before the floors is that the utensils often come in contact with food and need to be properly handled. You also don't want to introduce dangerous pest chemicals from the floor to the utensils by washing them first.

Clean the Floor

Start sweeping the floor to remove any debris or dirt the exterminator may have left behind. Once the floors are swept, use a mop and bucket to clean floors.

Be sure to avoid any areas that the exterminator may have sprayed. These areas need time to be absorbed into the surface and should not be disturbed.Cleaning rugs and scrub pads folded neatly on the floor

Steam & Vacuum the House

After mopping the floor, it is important to vacuum the house. This will help eliminate any residual chemicals or dirt the pest management service may have left behind. The vacuum cleaner will also suck insect parts and debris the exterminator may have left behind.

Steam cleaning is also a great way to eliminate any dust or dirt that may have settled in the carpets or other surfaces. Be sure to use a professional-grade steam cleaner for the best results. This will effectively kill any bacteria or germs left behind during the elimination process.

Finally, dispose of all the trash and debris in a sealed bag to prevent further infestation. Ensure you seal off the bag before disposing of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take for Pest Control to Dry?

Generally, it takes two to four hours for the pest control to dry. However, this will depend on the type of pesticide used and the amount applied. If the pesticide was applied in large amounts, it might take longer for the chemicals to dry. The technician will also be able to give you a better estimate after the application is made.

Is it Safe After Pest Control?

Yes, it is safe after the pest control application. Most chemicals used to make up the pesticide are safe and won't harm you or your family. However, waiting until the chemicals have dried before entering the house is still important. This will help to ensure that the chemicals are not accidentally ingested or inhaled.


Pest management is an essential part of keeping your home healthy and safe. It is important to follow the instructions given by the exterminator and ensure that you clean up any residual chemicals at an appropriate time. Cheers, and stay safe!

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