How to Get Rid of Sewer Roaches Naturally

Sewer cover plate that is slightly opened

Sewer roaches can be a nuisance in any home. They leave behind an unpleasant smell, are unsightly, and can cause health issues if their numbers become too large. Therefore, It’s essential to know how to get rid of sewer roaches naturally to keep your home free from these pests.

How to Get Rid of Sewer Roaches Naturally

The best way to get rid of sewer roaches naturally is by using Borax and sugar. This will act as bait and attract roaches as they love sugar, and Borax is toxic to them. Mix equal parts of borax and sugar in a shallow bowl. Place the bowl near an area where you have seen roaches. Once the roaches start to feed, they will take the Borax back to their nest and die.

Construction workers cleaning the sewer system

Be cautious when removing sewer roaches, as some insects look similar to cockroaches. If you are unable to do pest control yourself and you need help, contact a pest control professional for assistance. Self Control Pest is a reputable pest control company that provides helpful advice on safe and effective removal methods.

We offer various pest control pricing plans to ensure you get a satisfactory result without putting your family's health. Don’t wait any longer and give us a call! 

Other Ways to Get Rid of Roaches

Besides using borax and sugar, there are great ways to eliminate roaches in your home without using chemicals. The following are some of the methods you can use to get rid of roaches naturally: 

Use a Vacuum Cleaner on the Affected Area

A vacuum cleaner is an excellent tool for sucking up roaches and their eggs. The tool works best on hard surfaces and is particularly effective when used in an area where cockroaches congregate. So, before you start using the device, ensure you inspect your home and pay attention to dark corners, cupboards, cabinets, behind appliances, and other tight spaces where roaches may hide.

After you have used the vacuum cleaner, dispose of the contents in a sealed plastic bag. This will ensure no roaches can escape back into your home. You can freeze the bag for a few hours to eliminate any eggs and larvae.

Spread Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is an effective and safe way to eliminate roaches without using chemicals. The substance comprises fossilized remains of aquatic organisms called diatoms and contains sharp edges that can cut through a cockroach's exoskeleton. The DE also dehydrates and kills roaches as it absorbs the waxy coating of their exoskeleton.

To use Diatomaceous earth, sprinkle a generous amount on areas where you have seen roaches. As an extra precaution, spread the substance in tight spaces, such as behind furniture and appliances. For best results, sprinkle the DE every few days until you do not see any more roaches.

Sewer cover plate that is slightly opened

Use Baking Soda

You probably know that baking soda is an effective and safe way to eliminate odors in your home. However, did you know it is also a great way to eliminate roaches that may have infested your home? Baking soda kills roaches by producing an alkaline reaction when it comes into contact with their bodies.

To make it work better, dice some onions and mix them with baking soda to make it work better. Place the mixture near areas where you have seen roaches. When the roaches feed on this mixture, it will increase gasses in their stomach, making them burst and die.

Use Boric Acid

Boric acid is a naturally occurring mineral and is a great way to get rid of roaches without using dangerous and harsh pest control chemicals. When the roaches come into contact with it, they stick to their exoskeleton and disrupt the osmotic balance of their internal organs. This causes them to dehydrate, leading to their death.

The best way to use boric acid is to mix it with other substances to create bait. For example, you can mix equal parts of sugar or peanut butter with boric acid and place the mixture near areas where you have seen roaches. As with other methods, repeat the process every few days for the best results.

Create an Uncomfortable Environment for Roaches

Another natural way to get rid of roaches is to make your home an uncomfortable environment for them. Roaches thrive in areas where there is food, moisture, and warmth. So, ensure you take away the food and reduce the moisture levels by inspecting all water pipes in your home for any leaks. 

Also, ensure the lights are in your home most of the time. Roaches thrive best in dark places, and making your home bright and light will encourage them to leave.

How Roaches Enter Your Home

There are various ways roaches can enter homes. As a homeowner, you must ensure all potential entry points are sealed and blocked. The following are some of the most common entry points for roaches:

Dead cockroach on the concrete floor
  • Cracks and crevices in walls, floors, or ceilings
  • Gaps around pipes, drains, and faucets
  • Openings along doors, windows, and vents
  • Through furniture or other items brought in from outside.

By taking the necessary steps to block these entry points, you can prevent further infestations and will be able to get rid of the current infestation more quickly and easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Vinegar Kill Sewer Roaches?

No, vinegar does not kill sewer roaches. However, it can help to repel them. For best results, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and spray it in areas where you have seen roaches. 

What Smell Will Keep Cockroaches Away?

The smell of cedarwood oil, citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint are known to repel roaches. To use any of these smells, mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray it around your house. 

Are Sewer Roaches Dangerous?

Yes, sewer roaches can be dangerous as they may bring bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens into your home. They can also cause allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, having pest control maintenance and getting rid of them as soon as possible is essential. 


Although sewer roaches can be pretty challenging to get rid of, it is possible to get rid of them naturally. Using natural methods is always safer and more effective than harsh chemicals. Always be vigilant and ensure any potential entry points are sealed up properly.  

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